Sunday 30 March 2014

A Wind in the Willows sort of day

This afternoon, Lou & I took a gentle wander through the ancient mixed woodlands of Savernake Forest. Everything is starting to look very green and lush, and the woods were full of birdsong. We spent a very relaxed hour or so sitting on the banks of a small pool, just waiting to see what appeared. We had a pair of Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers calling from the surrounding trees, and got a few glimpses of one of the birds. One day I'll get a decent shot of them! There were also plenty of the usual woodland birds; Long-tailed Tits, Wrens, Pheasants, Great Tits, Chaffinches and Wrens, as well as a pair of Buzzards patrolling across the clearing, and a Sparrowhawk on the hunt. Green Woodpeckers were heard, but not seen today. 

The highlight of the day was the huge number of Common Toads congregating in the pool to spawn. More and more kept creeping out of the undergrowth to make their way down to the water, to join the hundreds already there. I had fun playing with different shots, and Lou was in seventh heaven, as toads have long been one of her favourite beasties. 
Male Common Toad
Reflection of a Male
Female carrying Male to the pool
We drove back towards Swindon through the smaller country lanes, passing several Red Kites and more Buzzards. I was saddened to come across an uncommon Grey Partridge which had been freshly struck by a car. There are only a few pairs of these lovely little birds in the area, and I've been on the lookout for them for ages, so such a shame to come across a dead one. However, at least it proves they are around. 

We also found a very promising looking Badger sett, judging by the freshly dug earth around the entrances. We do know of several other setts in the area, but have yet to find one in as good a location for staking out, so I think I'll be back with a few peanuts in the very near future!

Finally, we stopped off so that Lou could have a look at the Water Voles, as she hadn't yet seen any this year. We got some great views of the male swimming along his stretch of stream and browsing on various reeds and stems only feet away from us. I experimented with trying a few different shots looking through the rushes, but can't quite make up my mind whether I like the results or not. No doubt I'll be back again soon for another go.

If only we'd found a mole, we'd have almost a full house of characters for the Wind in the Willows!

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