Sunday 20 April 2014

Hares galore

Being back in full-time employment may help pay the bills, but it doesn't half impact on wildlife-watching time! At least the sunny evenings this week have meant that we've been able to get out & visit a few of the local spots after work, to get a bit of a nature fix! 

Driving around the country lanes through the downs in the hour or so before dusk has proved particularly productive this week, especially for mammals. On Friday evening we had at least 25 Brown Hares within a 3 or 4 mile radius, with up to 8 in the same field. Returning about the same time yesterday, we again saw over 20 in the same area - including one or two very close up. 

Can't see me
Into the sunset!
Both evenings we also saw lots of Roe Deer - approximately a dozen on Friday, and 7 or 8 on Thursday - all in small groups. The females are now looking heavily pregnant- although several still had last year's fawns with them. We also spotted one that had recently given birth as we could hear a fawn calling. Most of them are in the process of shedding their dense winter coats, so are looking a bit moth-eaten at present. However a pair of young bucks were looking quite smart in their reddish summer coats. 
We had a close view of a mature stag - still with velvet on his antlers - grazing with his mate. We  also spotted a trio of young Fallow Deer bucks grazing along the edge of a small copse. Their antlers have still got a fair bit of growing to do - just nubbs at the moment!
Roe Deer - Doe
Roe Deer - Pair (Doe very pregnant)
Roe Deer - Doe (Fawn in the Grass)
Lots of bird life to be seen, too. On Friday, we saw our first cuckoo of the year - although as it was in flight it took us a few minutes to work out what it was! The usual Red-legged Partridge & Pheasants were plentiful - although interestingly I did see a very dark, melanistic female pheasant; possibly the offspring of a blue-black male bird we spotted last year? As usual, plenty of raptors around too; several Red Kites, Buzzards and a pair of Kestrels.

On my day off on Thursday, I spend an hour or two watching the Water Voles again. The babies were out - still very small and surprisingly dark-coloured. It was fun seeing them splashing around, under the watchful eyes of their mum.
Water Vole
I also took a drive around the Aldbourne area, and was pleased to come across the main herd of Fallow Deer - over 45 of them, including one of the leutistic does & tan bucks. It's been a while since I've seen them together in such a large group!
Fallow Deer
Other interesting sightings this week included a Grasshopper Warbler, Pipestrelle Bats and a probable Honey Buzzard (in flight). Lou and Hurley also had a close encounter with one of the local urban foxes last night... it seemed quite interested in Hurley; maybe huskies look like a giant fox?

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